875 Battery Ave SE, Suite 700

Atlanta, GA, 30339

| 404-614-4619

Play It Safe | Commitment to Care is a comprehensive program to help keep guests and employees safe and slow the spread of COVID-19.

Using the Play It Safe protocols, we’ve re-engineered our operating procedures to minimize contact risk and bolstered hygiene to exceed best-practice guidelines of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Our operations undergo rigorous ongoing deep-cleaning and disinfection as part of this program to ensure we are operating in a safe environment.

We have developed a new set of standards and procedures that include:

  • Enhanced cleaning and sanitization protocols, including hourly and as needed for all high-touch surfaces.
  • All equipment in Swing Suite bays – including golf clubs, golf balls, dodgeballs, soccer balls, baseballs, keyboard, mouse and touch-screen monitor – being thoroughly disinfected between usage.
  • Multiple hand-sanitizing stations throughout our facility.

Our employees:

We are committed to delivering a safe and secure dining environment. The health, safety and peace of mind of guests, employees and the sports community are our highest priorities.